Hey there! We’re working on improvements to conditional logic and would love to get feedback from you! Let me know what you are trying to accomplish and what challenges you are currently facing. Thank you!
When you are in Conditional Logic and you want to View All (mostly when you are troubleshooting), a couple things would be helpful:
When you click on one of the conditional logic rules on the right side, it would be great if it highlighted the task on the left side menu. Conditional logic is nested within the task so its hard to remember where those questions were that you are addressing.
Conditional logic shows up in the order you added the logic rather than in the order it appears in the checklist. It would be helpful for troubleshooting if the Rules showed up in the order they appear in the checklist.
Thank you!
Just had a quick thought. Sometimes when making significant changes to a workflow its best just to reset all conditional logic. Currently in order to do that, you have to go into all hidden items and manual uncheck them and then go into each conditional logic module and delete it.
I’d like to propose a “Clear All” option for both Hidden Items and Conditional Logic Rules. You’d DEFINITELY want a modal to pop up and ask you if you are REALLY REALLY sure before you delete it all, but I think it would be super helpful.
Thank you!
I’d love to see a more advanced editor for conditional logic that includes ‘else if’ logic. That way you could more easily organize your logic in the editor.
I would also like to have better controls of AND and OR.
For example:
If (x == 1 AND (y > 2 OR z < 1)) {
// Do this
} Elif (x == 2) {
// Else do that
Currently you can only have OR at top level and AND at sub-level.
This would be cleaner than the current way of doing it:
If (x == 1 AND y > 2) OR (x==1 AND z < 1)) {
// Do this
If (x == 2) {
// Do that
Moving the conditional logic around would be more manageable, especially when you have more than just two pieces. (Would also love either a click and drag for moving them and/or an ability to just type a number to place the logic in the hierarchy.) You can imagine how trying to move 10 of these up or down is a struggle currently.
Thanks Kai - these graphics help a lot!