How to use OpenAI to Generate Emails in Process Street

Hey everyone!

We have just been made aware of a fun new tool to use, which we would like to introduce to you. It is called OpenAI and it is free to set up an account. This is an AI tool which can generate anything from email responses, offer letters, invoices, and so much more by you giving it minimal information. It can even generate songs! :notes:

Take a look at this video of a workflow utilizing the AI tool and Zapier to generate recruitment emails and an offer letter in Process Street automatically via an API key.

We would be happy to help you get something similar set up, so please let me know if you have any questions!


Love this! A few other OpenAI use cases I have heard of:

  • Automatically generating Slack / Teams messages. For example, welcoming a new hire.
  • Catching and parsing incoming emails with different formats. For example, catching a customer order email and extracting out the data of the email and pushing it into form fields.
  • Generating emails for customers during the sales and onboarding process
  • Generating thank you notes for customers with Handwrytten
  • Generating outlines for articles, podcasts and webinars for content workflows
  • Generating headines, keywords and ad copy for SEO and PPC copy

Any other ideas for using Process Street with OpenAI?


Yeah, really clever! When we were experimenting with the OpenAI as a team, we were testing some other fun things out like "Write a hiring welcome letter to our new employee {Name} and include an inspiring quote from their favorite author {Author Name}. It really worked to create a personalized letter!

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Cool - can you explain how OpenAI is actually connected to Process St via Zapier?

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@ajparkes007 Absolutely! I will soon be uploading a video giving you a “behind the scenes” look at what I did to make the workflow look like this. I will be sure to tag you in the post so you can take a look at it. :blush: