Data Sets are out of Beta, with some stellar updates! 🎉

Check out this video to see all the updates.


  • We’ve moved Data Sets to the main navigation and Universal New button for easier access
  • You can add (or create new) data sets from dropdown widgets in the Workflow editor and in the Forms editor
  • New ‘All data’ views are created as soon as a Data Set is created
  • Saved views have moved to tabs for easier viewing and navigation
  • We’ve added new field types for numbers and dates, in addition to text
  • Saved views are now shareable with options to choose to edit all/view permissions
  • We’ve added keyboard shortcuts including copy/paste, undo-redo and more
  • You can save resized column widths for consistently organized views
  • We’ve improved sorting and added and/or options to filters
  • You can now create new Data Sets using Process AI
  • We’ve improved the performance for large Data Dets and views from those Data Sets that are connected to Workflows and/or Forms

Got any questions?
Learn more about setting up and using Data Sets, send us a comment in the thread or reach out to our support team.


Great work!

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I agree that you done a good job in finalizing the functionalities of DataSets.

But I am sill not really happy about how to use DataSets.

There’s still so many things missing to get a real benefit of DataSets:

  • I have no chance to bind a dropdown to multiple columns of a DataSet
  • I cannot change the DataSet binding of a dropdown once it is setup
  • I have no chance to implement a simple CRUD functionality out of the box. so I still need to use a workaround like Zapier to implement the things which should be there.

And Zapier plays a too big role in so many parts of Process Street.

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