Introducing Custom Notifications

With custom notifications, you can send automatic reminders to task or workflow run assignees, or any stakeholders interested in being notified about the workflow run’s progress.

You can schedule the alerts to go out:

  • Before or after tasks are due
  • Before or after tasks are completed
  • When workflow runs are started or completed

You can also add a note along with the reminder emails to make these notifications more personalized.

Learn more about custom notifications.


This was reportedly pulled due to issues with the feature. Is there any ETA on it’s return?

Hey Trevor, we have resolved this issue now. You can go ahead and set your custom notifications. Let us know in case you’re still unable to. Cheers!

Ooh thanks!! I will try it out.

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I have played with this, now. It’s a great add, but I was hoping to customize the resulting Subject line of the sent email. Would be great to see that added at some point if possible.

Hey Trevor, thanks for your feedback! I have passed it on to our product team. Do let us know how this feature works out for you in the long run. :slight_smile: