Auto-filling a form field value via a Form response URL ✨

We’ve added a little update to Forms that will help with automations.

Advanced Form response links
To add a unique identifier into your Forms to aid with integrations or automations, you can add a form field value into your response links.

For example you can add a short text form field and name it Client ID.

Then add this as a parameter into your Form response link:

Notes: The form field name is case sensitive. For form fields with more than 1 word in its name use an underscore in between each word, shown in the example above.

When your form is sent to someone to complete, the value you added to the response URL auto-populates in the form field.

Next when the form is completed, you can use that Client ID to map the form response into a Data Set or another tool.

Taking it a step further, you could auto-generate, say, a ticket number via Zapier/Make etc and then add that number to your form response links to send out via email.

Comments? Questions? Let me know in the thread, thanks!

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