How to use the snippet field for automation naming convention

Hey everyone! I just wanted to share a recent request that came through our support desk. A user was wondering if it’s possible to set up a naming convention for new workflow runs triggered by Process Street automation. The idea is to have the naming convention pick up various variables from the workflow run that’s triggering the automation.

The user was facing a problem where they could only select one of the form fields in their workflow to name the new workflow run triggered by automation. However, we were able to find a workaround! We included a snippet field and used the “magic wand” to reference the form field information. Then, we selected the snippet field to name our new workflow run.

Here’s a quick video on how to set this up:

Feel free to share your thoughts on this or suggest any other workarounds you’ve found for similar issues. Let’s help each other out!

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Great example! Snippets are fantastic! Not only are they useful for the Process Street to Process Street automation, I find them super useful to keep Slack and DocuSign automation information consistent as well!